Video and audio

Displaying item 0 - 7 of 7 results
  • Australian Veteran Centre Expo

    Published date: 14 March 2022 | Resource type: Video

    A recording of Rachael Vincent, A/Senior Solicitor, Defence and Veterans Legal Service and Nicholas Warren, Community Engagement Officer, Defence and Veterans Legal Service explaining the Defence and Veterans Legal Service for the Australian Veteran Centre Expo.

  • Military Life Podcast, Episode 129: The Royal Commission and why we need YOU

    Published date: 08 July 2022 | Resource type: Podcast

    A podcast discussing the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide and how partners and families of veterans can get involved.

  • Stories from the Frontline – Episode 1, Yvonne Sillett

    Published date: 23 February 2023 | Resource type: AudioPodcast

    Yvonne Sillett’s life changed when she went public about her treatment as a gay woman in the Army. She always thought she was alone.

  • Stories from the Frontline – Episode 2, Sergeant Dan Tellam

    Published date: 15 March 2023 | Resource type: AudioPodcast

    Dan Tellam is an Army and RAAF veteran who founded a well-being centre in Darwin after the RSL burned down. He is part of our Expert Advisory Group.

  • Stories from the Frontline – Episode 3, Kat Starkey

    Published date: 15 March 2023 | Resource type: AudioPodcast

    Kat Starkey had a short career as an Army nurse that was marked by bullying and harassment. Now, she works as a DAVLS lawyer, helping other ADF personnel and veterans to tell their story.

  • Stories from the Frontline – Episode 4, Col Watego

    Published date: 16 May 2023 | Resource type: AudioPodcast

    His career as a gunner started in 1974 in the Army Reserve, when he and his brother took their enlistment letters to the Kelvin Grove Barracks in Brisbane, until reaching his compulsory retiring Age in 2018.

  • Stories from the Frontline – Episode 5, Jane Inglis

    Published date: 05 June 2023 | Resource type: AudioPodcast

    Jane Inglis suffered physical and mental injuries, as well as two sexual assaults, during her time in the military. After she discharged on medical grounds, she felt like she was left to fend for herself.